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Sunday, 22 June 2008

Wedding out of SG

I was web-searchin' on wedding video montages for some ideas (for Sini's montage) and came across some interesting clips of couples doin' the first dance on their wedding event. Hahaha.. Remembering tat was one of the MANY + FUNNY ideas tat Serene'd proposed to Sean & got rejected flatly. YES! Dancing!! Ridiculous to Sean, according to her.. LOL~ Looking at the clips, i can't help laffing (imagining S&S doing it)!

See those below~~ Whaha!! The first clip, beginning may seem boring... but HOLD ON & continue watching!! LOL

Great hosts providing excellent entertainment for their guests!! LOL*
Question: Do U tink SG weddings are boring??

Wad would u say?? Whahaha!!!


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