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Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Finally into peace!

Alrite! I'm spending lesser time into KH nowadays.. hee.. in peace mode! Oh well.. i guess nobody understands wad im tokin abt anyway (unless they're into KH as well)! And BIG NEWS!! My liege in KH is droppin' by SG for 1 nite on the 30th June (transit i guess)!! Gosh!! He's now back home in Vietnam for holiday wit Leanne (another big shot in KH - both are Marquis level while I'm onli a pathetic Viscountess.. *humph*). They're classmates, studying in Texas~ Hmmm.. i'm wondering if i shd.. LOL* If u knw me well enuf.. keke.. shd knw more or less abt my "wondering thoughts"!

Feeling bored, i read up my emails (haben been loggin in for ages) and saw a mail tat Elizabeth sent on 3rd June. Hmmm.. I was directed to another page (tat's ware i got stuck for like the past 2 hours?!), granting me a preview (few chapters of complimentary reading) to an online story book... hmm... ROMANTIC~ *sigh* This kinda feeling seems to fade off in real life for me.. grrhh.. guess im reli aging!! Oh my goodness!! LOL~

Interested after seeing the above clip..? Please click on the LINK~

Oh yes!! I've watched the KUNGFU PANDA!! Hahah..!! As claimed by Serene tat it's so freakin' good when she dropped by my place few days ago~ Okay!! I must admit tat "curiosity kills the monkey" (ME) always~ It's funny de lor! keke... Ohhh.. Tat silly panda wit his clumsy actions~ LOL* Guess wad? Watchin' cartoons reli do some miracles in pickin' up lousy moods sometimes~ *wink*

Lastly, tis song is reli good! Soothing music with beautiful lyrics~ Not the official MV though.. Jus to share~~


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