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Monday, 30 June 2008

Sign now & help to stop this insane act!

In 2007 the ‘artist’ Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, tied him to a rope in an art gallery, and starved him to death.

For several days, the ‘artist’ and the visitors of the exhibition have watched emotionless the shameful ‘masterpiece’ based on the dog’s agony, until eventually he died.

But this is not all… the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American decided that the ‘installation’ was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008.

It takes a second to help put a stop to animal abuse.

Please click the link below:
Boycott to the presence of Guillermo Vargas “Habacuc” at the Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008!!!

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