Eileen 'jio' me to make pineapple tarts today... I thought since anyway we've got the required ingredients, why not give the cutie Milo Doggie Cookie a try (from a recipe which i saw from a local food blog) too?
Here... the results...
It reli look so cute! But... sad to say.. tink we'd screwed it up! Sobz... Cos... It's bitter de lor!! Not sweet at all.. *puzzled*
The recipe did not mention adding sugar at all ley.. Hmm... maybe the milo they used is premixed de ba... It should only make sense tat way rite? *Humph* Good to See, Not Good to Eat... Next attempt, i must make better it!!! ADD SUGAR manz!!!
The recipe did not mention adding sugar at all ley.. Hmm... maybe the milo they used is premixed de ba... It should only make sense tat way rite? *Humph* Good to See, Not Good to Eat... Next attempt, i must make better it!!! ADD SUGAR manz!!!
Tis time round.. made mini pineapple tarts - Bite-Size! Cos, Ting & Joan preferred mouthful size kinda... Then... Guess wat? When done, Eileen & Mum said too small le... Piangzz.. Hard to please sia!
Oh YES!! And.. I finally got the cloves!!! Whaha!!
The purpose of them for decorating the tarts!! (See below picture)

So PRETTY rite??
Hee... The next batch, I wana make it like dat!!! keke.. So 'mei mei'... I LIKE it wor~
Oh YES!! And.. I finally got the cloves!!! Whaha!!
The purpose of them for decorating the tarts!! (See below picture)

So PRETTY rite??
Hee... The next batch, I wana make it like dat!!! keke.. So 'mei mei'... I LIKE it wor~
Hi, I followed the original recipe that uses Horlicks, there is no sugar added. So for the Milo version, I simply replaced with equal amount of milo powder (not the 3-in-1, ie without sugar type). We didn't find it bitter leh? maybe we didn't have a sweet tooth ;) Hope u get the desired taste on your next attempt, cheers!
Hee... I'm surprised tat u found me!! keke...
Hmmm.. Yupz.. actually me quite sweet tooth la.. Hee.. My sis brought some for her 4 friends to try.. and they find the taste okay & commented the cookies cute too! So my sis & I were like *BLUR*. Haha.. So I guess... the prob lies wit our sense of taste ba.. keke..
Yupz i'm definitely gonna make beta it, to suit our sweet-tooth liking!! Cos... the cookies are soooo cute!! Thanks so much for posting your recipe~
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