Joan & Mum went to 848 jus now.. and they bought so much munchies!! New interesting food~
Saw the below waffle pancake? Super normal ba?

Many cake shops are sellin it.. But the pancake waffles tat they bought are different in a way... the fillings inside!! Reminds me of BreadTalk!!

It's got "Bak-Hu" (Flossed Meat) inside!!! Hmmmm... Is tis a NEW TREND now? Or is tat cakeshop the only one tats sells these "Bak-Hu Waffle Pancakes"??? *wonder*
Anyway it's definitely selling in YISHUN lor!! $1.60 each~
Saw the below waffle pancake? Super normal ba?

Many cake shops are sellin it.. But the pancake waffles tat they bought are different in a way... the fillings inside!! Reminds me of BreadTalk!!
Have you guessed correctly?

It's got "Bak-Hu" (Flossed Meat) inside!!! Hmmmm... Is tis a NEW TREND now? Or is tat cakeshop the only one tats sells these "Bak-Hu Waffle Pancakes"??? *wonder*
Anyway it's definitely selling in YISHUN lor!! $1.60 each~
Next, it's the "PIZZA BREAD wit HOTDOG & EGG". Named by ME!! Yes, Super LONG name... i know... hee... Also from the same cakeshop wor~

See the below pic for a side close-up.. so much EGG!!! *slurps*
keke.. gave my doggies each abit to try.. They LUURVes!!! whaha!!

Tis pizza-imitated BREAD is $2.50~
And got my dogs drooling all over it lor!!! keke..
Remember tat RECYCLED TOY?
Joan informed me tat it has been "BRUTALLY RAPED"!!!
The 'cheongsum' tat it was wearin practically got ripped apart wit its "internal organs" lyin all over the living room floor lor...!!! KaozzZ!!

Wonder which cold-blooded monster did tat to my invention!!! Grrr...#@&^*$#!!!
Tinkin mus be either Ricco or Feifei lor!! WHO ELSE... when "MURDER-SCENE" is at the LIVING RM!!! Idiot!!!
Sobz.. it's jus barely a few days old nia lor..!!! Kaozz..!!
Now it's ruined like HELL!
And wat's worse!!! Whoeva did tat dun even spare a teeny weeny chance for it to get reincarnated!!! Dispersed it's "SOUL" as well!!!
DaMn it!!! Look at those teeth marks (below pic)!!! SUPER ANGRY lor!!!

Sadly, sob sobz... Brought it's "corpse" into my room... intendin to take some last pics of it...
Then... ... ...
Ganna Tailed by the "KPO PEEPIN' TOM" again!!! *faintz*

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