Past few days while i was updating my quotes collection, i came across the below phrase..
I'm unsure how tis lil' sentence will impact on the others but it certainly did some 'magic' on me.. keke.. made me felt so touched & comforting! Almost automatically, someone came into my mind..
Someone who puts up and gives in to my stubborn, impatient and sometimes even unreasonable ways for more than a decade! Alwas the one who will be there for me wen i'm dwn or upset... although not good wit words, but never fails to offer her presence to be rite beside me.. offering help to me whenever she can...
Recallin a few things she'd done for me and tat I'll never forget...
- over a misunderstanding during school days, i was so pissed & angry tat i don't wish to befriend her anymore.. my attitude made her cried & she wrote a letter to me, from there i realized she treasured our frdship so much.. reli touched me..
- rushed down to where i was (wit her ex-bf) upon receiving my crying phone call & accompanied me till i agreed to go back home (till wee hours of the nite!)
- we were out clubbin (to cheer me up tat x after i ganna ditched!) and at the end of it, i burst out cryin & sayin to her "He used to be the one here (Sparks) wit me". And, she leaned over, hugged me and replied "It's okay... From now on i'll be here wit you." So sweet!
- when i was admitted into hospital and queuing up for the operation, not allowed to drink or eat anything.. I was v thirsty & kept askin for water.. she finally gave in and gave me some plain water, in the end --- Caught! And, resulted her 'ganna' scolding from the nurse
- even thou she was on "Super SMELLY" terms wit my ex-bf... knowin tat i'd definitely love to see him, she let down her pride to call him, in hope tat he can visit me. Sadly.. Tat ass didn't! BUT... he sent "something" to the hospital~ Which, at tat point of time, made me more than happy enuf!
- understanding my 'dilly-dally' character to get ready, she often initiated to come up to my place to wait for me while i do things in my 'Trademarked-Rubberband' way
- when i quarrelled and wanted to move out from my ex-bf's place, she arrived (wit her husband) to pick me, and helped me along with my 'barang-barangs' and even my Pet Fishie-In-A-PAIL (link)!
- and just so much TONs MORE... how to mention them ALL manz?!
In short, she's been through thick & thin with me for so many years... WINning me over in her own unique SUBTLE ways!!! It's reli so fortunate of me to have her wor~
I'm guilty... and feelin so very bad... these few months - my boring life kinda affecting her too... So sweet and obliging of her.. alwas drop by my home to have dinner wit me... knowin tat i dun feel like goin out. She rarely request or even mention... to make me go out... Comin my hse & hangin around here jus seems so automatic kinda to her...
Actually she have her own sets of bothering probs too.. i know i can't help her to solve those irritating probs, but... i know... maybe in a certain way i'm capable of makin it slightly beta... at least not by boring her more ba.. keke..
Come onz! Let's add some Zest to our borin' lives! whaha!!
We'll compromise abit, shall we? Starting on wit the more INDOORS activities first..?? How about... ... ...
I'm guilty... and feelin so very bad... these few months - my boring life kinda affecting her too... So sweet and obliging of her.. alwas drop by my home to have dinner wit me... knowin tat i dun feel like goin out. She rarely request or even mention... to make me go out... Comin my hse & hangin around here jus seems so automatic kinda to her...
Actually she have her own sets of bothering probs too.. i know i can't help her to solve those irritating probs, but... i know... maybe in a certain way i'm capable of makin it slightly beta... at least not by boring her more ba.. keke..
Come onz! Let's add some Zest to our borin' lives! whaha!!
We'll compromise abit, shall we? Starting on wit the more INDOORS activities first..?? How about... ... ...
Hee.. I'm tinkin... it shd be fun! We'll gather & play around, taking plenty of photos & messin' up KBH's hse..!! At the same time, KBH can get a chance to show off her new home, new self-made curtains and also guide us wit the cupcake-baking process!!!
Wow manz... tinkin abt it, KBH reli have a chance to 'hao-lian' tis time!!! Best of all, maybe Princess Shermaine can come along wit us??? Sounds good to me~
Killing a MANY big birds in 1 Freakin' HUGE stone!! whaha..!!

See these cupcake pictures?? Cuties & Appetizing ba??! I done my homework to source for their recipes liao wor!!
EFFICIENT I AM!!! I tell myself!! whahah!!
Cupcakes Recipes Linkies~
Chocolate Orange Cupcake with Dark Chocolate Buttercream Icing and Pastry Cream Filling
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcake
Mini OREO Surprise Cupcakes
Chocolate Cupcakes
Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
Yellow Cake and Chocolate Icing
I've "LIAISED" wit KBH and of cos expectedly, she agreed! Hee..
The disappointing part is... i actually planned on tis saturday... which is TML... in mandarin 'MING TIAN'. Den tis KBH say onli can 'MING NIAN' (translated is next year)!!! Although it's just a matter of a few days.. but when i initially heard tat, i was like... "KAOz!! Exchangin a DAY for a YEAR!!?"
Well.. anyway in the mean time.. i'll jus continue lookin out for other recipes then~
Lookin forward to our CUPCAKE day!!!
P/S: To my other besties.. please dun get too upset after readin my post & tink tat im biased... I knw u gals luv me too~ And of cos, ME Too Too!! And also... i know u gals are also makin the efforts to come over my place... everytime..!! For my convenience..!! I know I know!! keke.. Blessed I reli AM!! But it's just tat most of my down times it's Tingz spendin the most times wit me wor~ FATED i guess!!
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