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Saturday, 21 February 2009

JinCai after 14 years...

Met up with JinCai after work yesterday... an ex-bf of mine like... 14 years back! *faintz*

Poor guy... is still as pessimistic as before... Hair loss... Troubled with his wifey who's suffering from depression & returned to Thailand... Sigh... The main reason why he can come out lah!

We went out for supper at my faved past hangout... Jalan Besar.. LOL* The usual Dim Sum stall that i loved~ Followed by bringing him to 'jalan jalan' @ Mustafa~ Grrr... sadly he's just another racist fella.. complaining abt the smell, etc... Hee.. not everyone knws how to appreciate that place like me... keke...

Hmmm... super long din get to see him.. wanna take his pic de but he turned dwn my request flat... Damn! Keep 'siam' away from my phone lar... fumes*

Nice to see him again after so many years... so many changes... for each of us... Had a long chat & i realised... that i must be having some kinda memory loss sickness! Quite a few things that he'd mentioned, i can't even recall a slight bit lor..! Age is catching up & brain is failing... or maybe after my 'buang' incident few years ago, could haf already caused some kinda permanent damage in there le ba?? Hahhaa...


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