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Wednesday, 15 October 2008

The New-Gen Macbooks!!

Wow..!! The new-gen Macbooks are finally out!!! Just announced from the Apple website. The improved multi-touch trackpad is freaking coolz manz... Gonna be as touchy as the iPhone (w/o anything to click on)!! Awww... Can't wait to touch it!! Hee... dunno when will the stocks be shipped in... no wonder all those Mac fanatics keep asking when will they be out... Now i can really feel the heat!

Bad point:
Piangzz.. and that also means... memorising new specs again..!! Grrr... when im alady more than confused enuf with all those iPhone questions & plans... *faintz*

p/s: I'm seriously sick!! Runny nose like nobody's business! Gonna KO... now... nites!


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