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Thursday, 7 August 2008


There is a new virus circulating in Facebook now, infecting user's friends list. It sends out an email message with a link that asks you to download a plug-in to view a video. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE PLUG-IN - The "codecsetup.exe" file. One of my friend in FB is a victim of this horrible virus & resulted him losing a month's hardwork of research data for school...

The email message, or a variation of it, appears in your message inbox from Facebook friends:

XXX sent you a message.

Subject: Hey friend.
"LOL, You've been catched on hidden cam, yo."

Then there's a long URL you click on that takes you to what appears to be a YouTube video. When you click the video to begin a message pops up and says you first need to download a newer Flash player to play the video. Do not do this.

According to Saltzman, his antivirus software has flagged this as a "high risk" Infostealer.Gampass virus.

Pass this onto your friends so that they do not download and open this "codecsetup.exe" file.



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