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Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Off Day = Doggie Day

Dunno why Nina's tummy seems gettin bigger... Paranoid me, can't help suspecting her being pregnant again, even though im pretty sure her period did not come at all! Could it be constipation? Don't quite seem like she's pregnant... but why her tummy seems bigger than usual for the past few days? Grrhhh...!! Reali can't figure out why... Finally, off today & brought her to see the vet just now with Joan & Eileen. Disappointing though, cos even after seeing the vet, still unable to verify our doubts.. Anyway, the vet performed a blood test, kidney scan & heartworm test for her, to ensure she is healthy to perform surgery next week... for sterilization. Poor baby.. she was trembling with fear when the doctor examined her..

Night time, Joan was using the computer. Hmmm... feeling bored, saw tis naughty boy tryin to be funny & running around... Well, he succeeded... and caught my attention! Hence, time for some grooming & a good bath!! Hehehee..


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