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Sunday, 13 April 2008

Mummy's bday~

We (Mum, me, Joan, Eileen) had a simple dinner downstairs to celebrate her birthday. Daddy was still @ work & hence unable to join us.. Poor mummy... Birthday girl but with hand wrapped up like a Thai-Boxer lor..! Somemore cannot eat this, cannot eat that... piangzz... wad bad timing..! *sigh*

Wanted to take pics for her.. Tough task manz.. more like trying to make her pissed instead! Whahah!! Even when Eileen "forcefully" grabbed her, she rather look aside manz!

Dennis arrived some time after we got home..

Then, all waited for Daddy to finish work, before singing her the bday song & cutting the cake.. Lastly, of cos munchin it!! Choco-Delight~~ *yumz* (>.<)


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